Volunteering evaluation and survey results (June 2019 – June 2020)
Each year we send out a survey to all of our volunteers to ask how they find their volunteering experience at the farm. We then collate all of the data from the surveys and use this to help us improve the service as well as to produce reports for our funders. This year 217 local people accessed our volunteering programme on a regular basis, 65 of which completed one of our surveys. We feel that it’s important to share what we have learnt from our surveys and what changes we hope to make going forward.Who volunteers?
Our current funding allows us to run a wonderfully inclusive volunteering programme that is accessible to a wide variety of people living in Bristol. It is important for us to know that we are enabling a diverse range of people to volunteer, for example those with different backgrounds, life experiences and circumstances, and those that may not always think that volunteering is something they could do. Having diversity of ethnicity within our volunteer programme is also important to us and is something we recognise we need to put more work into, as is engaging with those who live in the most deprived outer wards of Bristol. Here is what we learnt from the last year!- 67% of the volunteers who joined the programme this year were White British; 18% any other white background, 2% other Asian background, 2% Kurdish and 16% preferred not to say. That means that we can record 4% of our current volunteers having ethnicity that is other than white.
- 72% of our new volunteers identify as female.
- 62% of our new volunteers were from people identifying as heterosexual, 12% identify as LGBTQ+ (26% ‘Prefer not to say’).
- 69% of our new volunteers joined our wellbeing focused gardening and animal care groups; 31% of our new volunteers help to support services run by the Health and Social Care team
- 67% of our new volunteers are aged between 25 – 49
- 14% of all volunteers who have accessed volunteering this year live in an area identified by Bristol City Council as being deprived outer wards, 86% do not.
The headlines
217 people have regularly volunteered. 7,092 hours of time has been given to the farm by our volunteers. WOW! Of the people that we have supported to volunteer at the farm:- 92% report that their mental health and wellbeing has improved
- 85% report that they feel part of our community and are meeting new people
- 81% report they are making positive changes and progress towards their personal goals
- 78% report improved confidence since starting to volunteer