Funded Places

What is funding?

Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) is a government funded scheme designed to offer all children access to early education prior to starting school.

What funding is available?

Different funding is available depending on the age of your child and your household circumstances. Visit to find out which funding you may be entitled to. Here is a brief overview:

Universal Hours Extended Hours
3 & 4 year olds Up to 12 hours from the term after third birthday. No eligibility code required Up to 12 hours from term after third birthday. Requires eligibility code, apply at
Eligible 2 year olds Up to 12 hours from the term after second birthday. If you receive certain benefits you may be eligible, apply through Bristol City Council n/a
2 year olds from working families (available from April 2024) n/a Up to 12 hours from the term after second birthday, rising to 24 hours from September 2025. Requires eligibility code, apply at
9 months + from working families (available from September 2024) n/a Up to 12 hours from the term after 9 month birthday, rising to 24 hours from September 2025. Requires eligibility code, apply at

When will my child receive their funding?

Each year is split into three terms, starting on the 1st of September, January and April. Your child’s birth month will define when their funding will start.

2nd, 3rd or 4th birthday 1 Jan – 31 Mar 1 Apr – 31 Aug 1 Sep – 31st Dec
Eligible from April September January
Under 2’s birth month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
9th month “birthday” Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Eligible from January April September Jan

The government funding is for 15 hours per week, why am I only being offered 12 hours per week?

The government often refer to the funding as being 15 hours per week, but this is for term time only settings, who operate for 38 weeks per year. As we are an all year round setting, we stretch the funding over 47.5 weeks per year, which equates to 12 hours per week.

Can I use the funding for any of my sessions?

In the nursery, funding can be used for a 9am-1pm or a 1pm-5pm session.

In Farm Adventurers, funding can be used for a 9am-12pm or a 1pm-4pm session (age applicable).

You are of course welcome to purchase additional hours outside of your funded sessions, for example you may wish to buy an 8am-9am or 5pm-6pm slot in nursery or choose to extend your Farm Adventurers session to cover the 12pm-1pm lunch time. Any hours not covered by the funding will be charged at the current sessional rate.

Are there any other costs?

Any child receiving funding will be invoiced for the consumables charge. Consumables charges are applied to every session you receive funding. The consumables charge covers items such as meals and snacks, trips, special events, spare clothing and sun cream which are not provided for in the funding we receive from the government. Families entitled to Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) will be exempt from the consumables charge once your eligibility has been confirmed.

How do I let you know I wish to claim funding?

Families who are entitled to universal funding and those who have previously made a claim will automatically receive a digital funding form, around one month before the start of a new term.

If you are making an extended funding claim for the first time, once you have applied for and received your Extended funding code please email us quoting your eligibility code, your child’s date of birth and your National Insurance number and confirm that you are happy for us to check your eligibility with Bristol City Council. We will then send you a digital funding form as above. 

Can I make changes to my funding claim part way through a term?

Unfortunately not! Once we have submitted your claim we are unable to make amends until the start of the next term.

Please be aware that when signing the funding form you are agreeing to use your funding with us for the entire term. This is slightly different for Eligible two year olds (those applying through Bristol City Council), who only need to give one month’s notice to move to another provider.

Can I claim with more than one setting?

Yes, you can split your funding claim between no more than two providers but you must ensure you do not overclaim the funded hours you are entitled to. Bristol City Council will ask you to repay any overclaimed funding. Please ensure you advise both providers if you wish to split the funding.

Eligible two year olds (applying through Bristol City Council) can only claim funding with one provider.

Where can I find more information?

Our Fee Paying Policy and our Admissions Policy cover how we administer the funding in more detail and can be found on our website. Or visit for general funding information.

What other financial help is available?

Tax Free Childcare – If you’re a working parent/carer you can get up to £500 every three months to help with the costs of childcare. You can apply at

Universal credit for childcare – for working families who aren’t receiving Tax-Free childcare, you can receive up to 85% of eligible childcare costs. Apply at

Starting school

From 1 September after your child is 4 years old, all funding is transferred to your chosen school even if your child has a staggered start or is not due to start school until part way through September. This means that no funding is available for sessions agreed after 31 August.

If you are deferring your child’s start at school or have not accepted your offered school place and have joined a waiting list, you may be entitled to claim – please speak to us about your options.

Nursery waiting list

Please note a £20 administration fee is applied to all new waiting list applications. This is non-refundable and helps cover the administration costs of managing the waiting lists. It is not and should not be seen as a guarantee of, or deposit on, a place.

Please be aware we currently have longer waiting lists for places for children aged 3 and under.

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