1.5 – 2 hours, £160, maximum 30 children
Bring learning outside the classroom with our “Farm and Garden Explorers” interactive tour. Children will have the chance to meet and feed the animals, to learn about their role on a working farm, to taste seasonal produce in our school’s garden and to explore the wonderful wildlife areas.

This tour is a great way to see all the different areas of the farm and learn about what goes on behind the scenes of a diverse city farm.
“We wanted the children to be able to see farm animals in real life – having realised many of the children had not. It was a great session and they were so excited and enthusiastic both during the session and back in the classroom.”
"They know the names of different types of animals now! They have been talking a lot about the animals and describing them. We noticed that quite a few of the children who don't speak much used much more language during their visit to the farm."
Nursery visit