1.5 – 2 hours, £190, maximum 30 children
Or can be part of a whole day £300 visit
“Pick It, Cook It, Eat It” is a food journey of discovery.
Children go on a tasting trail around the gardens and harvest seasonal produce. The group then use knives to prepare the food and are all involved in cooking it. At the end they all get a taste the product of their hard work.

The class will learn about what plants need to grow, the different parts of the plant and about healthy eating.
This session can include seed planting or a short farm tour.

“The Farm feels more like a learning environment nowadays rather than just animals. Now the greenhouse is accessible to children there are more opportunities to look at planting, swapping seeds and understanding how things grow.”
Year 2 Primary visit
“The children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to find, pick, prepare and cook their own vegetables. They all enjoyed how maturely they were treated in the opportunity to use knives and cooking stoves. All staff and parents were very positive about the quality of the trip and one Teaching Assistant commented that this was the best trip she had ever been on either with her own child, or as a member of staff.”
Year 1 cooking workshop