Support us


Thousands of people each year benefit from the many different facilities and services at Windmill Hill City Farm. It is central to their lives. We need your support and involvement so that we can continue to provide services that are so important to the local community. See the pages below for some ideas.

Sponsor a Goat

For the first time in the farm’s recent history, supporters can sponsor the animals. For £25, supporters can help take care of the goats and other animals on the farm for a year, helping to pay for their food and care from experienced farmers and vets’ bills. Our farm animals form a vital part of our work, enabling us to host educational visits from school children and families and use the animals for our well-being work with adults.

Sponsorship packs include an ethically made goat soft toy, a sponsorship certificate, a goat fact sheet, a sticker and a farm map to find the goats when you visit. Every goat sponsorship pack bought includes a significant donation to the farm and helps us continue to support the community and keep the farm gates open.

Please visit our farm café to learn more and pick up your sponsorship pack today!


187 people regularly volunteered between April 2021 and March 2022 giving 5,834 hours of their time.

Report that their mental health has improved.
0 %
Report that their physical health has improved.
0 %
Report that they feel less isolated.
0 %
Report that their confidence has improved.
0 %

Venue Hire

Host your next event in our urban oasis.

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Our education team is passionate in supporting teachers to deliver the curriculum through experiential learning sessions.

Windmill Hill City Farm aims to improve the lives of local people through its services and facilities.

As well as being a popular day out, the farm provides an excellent opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about farming and sustainable food production.

Support us

We are a charity offering education, recreation and therapy for local people and provide a hub for the community. Help us keep providing these vital services.

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