Home Calendar - Windmill Hill City Farm Adults Health and Wellbeing City Farm Trotters: Women’s Non-contact 5-a-side

City Farm Trotters: Women’s Non-contact 5-a-side

City Farm Trotters is a group of women who play football for fun, fitness and friendship. They first played at the City Farm in the 1980’s and many of them are still here enjoying all the benefits (Do the sums… they are mostly ‘older’!)

The group is a mixed bag in terms of fitness and skill levels and some women had never played footie before they joined, but did enjoy team sport.

Some may be a tad slower now, and choose a contactless form of play. This means no barging about or tackling for example, but it’s still a great workout and much more enjoyable without bruising!

City Farm Trotters welcomes women of 35+ who would support and enjoy their way of playing. They don’t do training, they just turn up, sort themselves into equal teams and off they go for an hour, with a convivial chat and coffee at the farm café afterwards.

Wednesdays  7pm to 8pm
Saturdays 10am to 11am

£5 per session

If interested please contact Jos Dennis for a chat on 07964 212 057 or come and take a secret look at the Trotters in action.


Jul 20 2024


10:00 am - 11:00 am
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