Woodwork for Wellbeing

Woodwork for Wellbeing is a free 6-week course for anyone who identifies as having mild to moderate mental health challenges and wishes to improve their wellbeing through woodworking in a social setting.

It is suitable for those aged 18 years or older

Thursdays 10 am to 1.15 pm, 27th February – 3rd April 2025.

To apply:

This course is run by Windmill Hill City Farm’s Health and Social Care Team. It is funded by NHS Talking Therapies. To apply for this course, potential participants need to apply through NHS Talking Therapies. If you are already receiving treatment from them, please let us know (contact details below).

If not, you will need to contact NHS Talking Therapies, you need to do this by either: · Visiting their website: NHS Talking Therapies – North Somerset & South Gloucestershire

· Calling: 0333 200 1893

· Texting: ‘YOU’ TO 88802

You will then need to complete NHS Talking Therapies’ assessment and meet their suitability criteria, and then they can be put on the course. You will also have the opportunity to find out about NHS Talking Therapies other services.

If you have any questions about what to expect during the course, please do get in touch.


Contact details for Windmill Hill City Farm’s Health and Social Care Team: To find out more, please contact us on 0117 947 1194 or email wellbeing@windmillhillcityfarm.org.uk.


(Please be aware this is a 6-week course and starts on the 27th February. If you would like to join after this date the course, maybe be full.)


Mar 27 2025


10:00 am - 1:15 pm
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